Ecotechnic would like to welcome you to the Thursday’s seminars on sustainable development

SolTech System


Elisabeth Fjellström

Text by Linus Theorell

   On Thursday, 13 March 2014, Elisabeth Fjellström, a student from the Ecotechnology seminar course at the Mid Sweden University, presented about the SolTech System; an energy system based upon roof tiles made of glass. The panels are equal to ordinary roof tiles but they are transparent which makes it possible to put solar based energy systems beneath them, either for generating heat or generating electricity.

   Elisabeth focused on presenting two heat generating systems starting with explaining the SolTech Sigma system. Sol Tech Sigma is a system consisting of tubes made from aluminum trough which propylene glycol is circulating. The fluid is heated by the solar radiation and flows through the tubes to a heat exchanger were the heat from the fluid is transferred to an accumulator which then distributes the heat to the household through the household’s regular heating system. The second system, SolTech Alfa, is instead based on air. A special canvas is placed beneath the glass tiles, which helps to heat the air. The air can then be circulated into the house thus heating it or be integrated with the ordinary heating system.

   The problems with the SolTech System are that it is quite expensive and that, since it is a solar based system, it needs a complementary energy system when there is not enough sun to cover for the households energy demand. Elisabeth stated that it is an innovative way to capture solar energy. However, it needs more development to make it more accessible to the consumer.

The function of the SolTech System Alfa. Air is heated beneath the tiles and transported into the household.