Ecotechnic would like to welcome you to the Thursday’s seminars on sustainable development

Scientific literature, databases and other information sources
Given by Von-Essen Maria

Some interesting links that where used during the seminar:

·       Film: Viva la library – find it on The Library in Moodle – Recommended site! Shows you how the library can help you get better study results, which I also aim to do with this seminar.
      What is a scholarly journal article? Look at an article (Primo) and explain the parts with the text from the web page from the library of Jönköping university
          How to read references and how to use them. Instead of hearing me speak we´re going to watch a learning object from Blekinge tekniska högskola, parts: Introduction, What´s in a reference, Using references (we look at three parts)
      Film: Plagiarism by Carteret Comunity College Library (The library on Moodle)
·       What is plagiarism at Indiana University: Do it!

·      We´ve gathered some good information about this matter on the library homepage: